Lake Murray – Depot

Still Hopes

A long lost soul returned to the gloom this morning, in all his glory. Whether that was me or Stagecoach is up for debate. YHC tried for a kinder, gentler Q as a prelude to a more user-friendly option for the old, the injured, the huddled masses yearning to breath free downwind of Moose. Several …

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Moist workout at the covid testing facility, aka Depot

Upon arrival, everyone was wondering what the newly placed tent and orange cones came from. Then, it was natural to realize, this is probably a better location for covid testing (versus the small parking lot at Ballentine Library). They didn’t ask us permission, Depot attorneys are looking at our options.  Warmup: SSH x 20 TTT …

Moist workout at the covid testing facility, aka DepotRead More »

Introducing The JD: All The Carries – Depot, October 17, 2020

In the ongoing series of honoring the #UTP of Lake Murray (The Smithers; The Pothole; The Arrears; The Moose; The Neckbrace; The Spano), this morning we introduced The JD. Strong, resilient, candid, loyal: These are adjectives we can assign to everyone’s favorite physical therapist hailing from West Virginia.  To that end, we attempted to create …

Introducing The JD: All The Carries – Depot, October 17, 2020Read More »

The Video

CONDITIONS/FORESKIN Conditions were the same as Susanna Hoffs internet fan base (save YHC who is 43)…..lower 60’s, mostly dry with a hint of Ben Gay, and a lot of dudes walking like Egyptians…. In this case, the Egyptian-walking was due to lower back and high ass meat issues related to a few hundred yards of …

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Inception Q

Through your device of choice, you have opened a door into the thoughts and musings of someone. Anyone. It doesn’t matter who. Nonetheless, you are reading this at this very moment, and I have your attention. Now, whatever you do, with all of your might – Don’t. Think. About: elephants. What are you thinking about? …

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