Another Murph at Cryptonite
AO: cryptonite Q: BunkBed PAX: No Help, Milli Vanilli FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Temperature was fine, but wow the humidity! DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER THE THANG: Good working out with Milli Vanilli and No Help today! One step closer to end of the Month of Murph! ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 LexSC Picnic tomorrow! COT
Total Body Hit
Intro, disclaimer, prayer Mosey to bus loop for COP SSH x 10 ICMerkins x 10 OMCTTT x 10 ICMerkins x 10 OMCLBAC x 10 IC fMerkins x 10 OMCLBAC x 10 IC rMerkins x 10 OMCOH Claps x 10 ICMerkin`s x 10 OMC Grab a block and to the parking lot for 5 minutes of …
Hillwork is Speedwork
Cryptonite’s monthly Speed Q happened this AM. Hemingway asked YHC for a good one. Feedback from the pax in attendance indicates YHC delivered. Sprinting us Cemetery Hill will never not suck. 5 miles later, we achieved betterment. Conditions: 54 degrees The Thang: Disclaimer, BOM Mosey to bottom of Cemetery Hill Pole Sprints Sprint to pole …
PREBLAST: 2021 New Years Day Convergence
(Please check back regularly for updates this week) Who: To all Lexington Pax, Past – Doesn’t matter how long it has been since your last post. The next one is the most important. We miss you and look forward to seeing you return to the gloom Present – We need to you to engage that …
Gut Punch Saturday strikes again
We were due for another round of Gut Punch Saturday so we made it happen. 7 PAX showed in the chilly morning to get things done. Argyle was the loner Ruck-lighter. Cinco made his first Saturday workout. Although he couldn’t remember his name at first, Bundy made his second workout. YHC and Bundy opted for …
Cryptonite invades Boneyard
This will be a pretty short BB. You see, YHC had the Q this morning at Cryptonite and was ready to deliver a solid beatdown. What I didn’t know was that Boneyard was having their 6 year anniversary workout right next door. So when Milli Vanilli rolled up I asked if he thought it’d be …
Campaign Q #14: Cryptonite
This one was nasty. About 3.5 miles accumulated (half of them uphill), 864 calories burned, 5 of the worst block exercises with reasonable but highly effective rep count. Tclaps to Hemingway, Milli Vanilli, Brick, & Buzzsaw for taking the Daily Red Pill. Milli chose the music genre, 90’s rock. Below is the damage: Conditions: 70 …
21 Pax Release The Kraken… and Survived
Conditions: 72 Degrees and Humid The Thang: With all the events being cancelled due to Covid -19, YHC could not have been more proud of the 21 Pax who showed up to take on a new challenge. Even though The Kraken was advertised as a 2-Hour sweat fest… it did not scare these Pax. It …
Release the KRAKEN!
Its time to slap that “Summer Softness” off the Pax… and take on a real challenge. Release the Kraken! Join us for THE KRAKEN! A stupid grueling test of physical and mental toughness. Combination of run… and WO over a 2 hour period. And No Man will be left behind. If you can run some, …
Tire Tug
A bunch of pax were running, so YHC thought it would be a lonely Q at Cryptonite. Wrongo! 4 others were interested in putting in some work, and work was did! Weather: 34 degrees The Thang: Intro, disclaimer, prayer SSH x 10 IC LBAC x 10 IC f/r OH Claps x 10 IC LBAC x …
Cryptonite PAX head to Prison
YHC received message from AOQ Hemingway to get on the Q sheet and YHC knew it had been a long time since posted at this AO. YHC has been running mostly on Saturday mornings but it was great to get back out there to a Saturday BC. It was a great morning of fitness, fellowship, …
Rep and repeat
YHC found one brave pax to take on a little warm up before the Iron Pax Challenge cranks up. Weather. It was humid. 95% humidity to be exact. The Thang: Mosey to the blockpile,select a block that makes you feel happy inside, and return to the outdoor gym. 50 burpees over the block 400M run …
8-Minute Circuits
Always fun to turn it up a notch with the Cryptonite boys. Here’s the damage: Conditions: 70 degrees, humid The Thang: Disclaimer BOM Warm-up mosey Dynamic Stretches Outdoor Gym Circuit Pull Ups x 10 Step Up Burpees x 10 Tire Flips x 5 R&R for 8 min Outdoor Gym Circuit #2 Rows x 20 Box …
Cryptonite Survives the Board of Pain
Conditions: 55 Degrees (with a chance of Pain) Disclaimer / Prayer Great group of hard charging men at Cryptonite. YHC knew they Pax were expecting a little extra Q Juice. YHC was very much impressed how they tackled the traveling torture… otherwise known as the “Board of Pain” COP (parking lot) SSH IC 50x (warm …
Happy Birthday to YHC!
3 pax braved a little rain to bring in year 45 of YHC’s crazy existence on this orb we call Earth. Work was done and some miles were covered. Weather: 48 and periods of rain Disclaimer/Prayer The Thang: Mosey around to the bottom of Reaper hill them up to the working streetlights. Circle up: SSH …
Modified Murph at Cryptonite
YHC has never been over to Crypt for a workout. Not sure why, but I’ve always heard these guys like to get after it. Today was exactly what I expected! 10 PAX showed up to do something hard and to push themselves and that’s what they did. TClaps to my Hollow brothers for your support. …
Rep, Pulse, Dodge at Cryptonite
Weather: Not too shabby The Thang: Intro, disclaimer Run around the parking lot and then COP SSH x 10 IC LBAC x 10 IC f/r OH Claps x 10 IC LBAC x 10 IC r/f TTT x 10 IC Run over and grab some Boneyard Bricks, then line up facing down the hill Curls x …
Smokefest at Cryptonite
Rule of thumb for Qing a regular F3 bootcamp is: Make it challenging but not so challenging a man of a reasonable fitness level can’t do it. Rule of thumb for Qing Cryptonite: There are no rules (save F3’s 5 core principles). It better be challenging for even the most fit among us. When Wingback, …
400 ways to scew up 2 miles
The AOQs have been eyeing a CSAUP, and repeatedly talked about testing it out. YHC suprised the Pax today with dropping the little bit of fun. Weather: too dang warm for October Disclamer/Prayer The thang: Circle up – 20 SSH IC, 20 Imperial Walkers IC, 15 LBACs forward, 15 overhead claps, 15 LBACs backward IC. …
Cryptonite/Battle Convergence
YHC, along with my fellow AOQs Milli Vanilli and Hemingway, were excited to see our brothers from across the river and post for a Stomp the Swamp convergence. The Battle boys are a tough group of Pax, and so YHC knew we had to bring it. You cannot come to Cryptonite and not visit Reaper …
Rememberance WOD for Navy SEAL Patrick Feeks
Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class Patrick D. Feeks, 28, of Edgewater, Maryland, assigned to SEAL Team 3, died Aug. 16, 2012, when his helicopter was shot down northeast of Kandahar, Afghanistan, while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. Today the pax of Cryptonite did a WOD to honor him. Disclaimer/Prayer The Thang: Mosey to the …
Circuit Breaking at Cryptonite
Got the text from Surcharge that some of the Augusta pax were planning a trip up to his old stomping grounds. Initially YHC was going to go for a long trail run but after some EHing by Surcharge, decided to post and grab the Q. Weather: 70 something The Thang: Intro, disclaimer, prayer COP SSH …
Burpees, Loops, and Legs Oh My!
Ah the gloom in 5000% humidity. It is always adds an extra suck factor in the gloom and it did not disappoint this morning! 5 brave pax posted with great anticipation to see what brand of stupid YHC had in store. YHC hopes the pax all got their moneys worth, especially Man Bun, who posted …
The Brute Force Sandbag Mile
YHC saw something floating around in the webosphere that seemed like a terrible idea. Brute Force was doing a little fundraiser for the boys in blue and it seemed only correct to bring a full blown sandbag workout to Cryptonite. The Pax, as always, responded to the call. Sandbag weight was at the pax discretion. …
The Burpee Mile v2
Ah it was yet another glorious morning at Cryptonite. It was hot. It is still hot. It is not going to stop being hot until January. Weather: 75 and humid Disclaimer/Prayer The thang: do 100 burpees, run a mile. Do 50 burpees, run a mile. Do 25 burpees, run a mile. Do 25 burpees. The …
Field of Dreams
YHC and 4 Pax assembled on a beautiful morning to get in a little work. We salute Shawshank,s 4 year anniversary, but our show must go on. Weather: 69 and only about 89% humidity. There was a breeze. Once. Disclaimer/BOM The thang: Mosey down the hill, up the hill and to Reaper hill. Run backwards …
Tour de Campus Circuit
One of YHC’s first Cryptonite posts was a Fracture Q which was a circuit of 5 stations, multiple exercises, burpees, and running. This was and continues to be one of the hardest posts for YHC and has reaffirmed that the workouts do not get easier you just get stronger. This was also the first post …
Station Rotation
YHC was a last minute addition to the Q sheet for this weekend so with little time to think outside the box, YHC fell back on an old standby for this AO. CONDITIONS: Cool 45 degrees Disclaimer/No FNGs THE THANG: in lieu of a regular warmup YHC decided to take the pax on the Cryptonite 1 …
Burpee Delivery from Surge to Cryptonite
There was an F3Lexington call for each AO to signup to Q out at Cryptonite and Wee Wee and YHC signed up; however, we first signed up on the same Saturday as Dam to Dam Relay so we had to reschedule for today. We talked a few times before Saturday about our plans, but had the …
Burpees and (S)miles
I always had it in mind that I would do the burpee mile / burpee mile challenge for my first Q, and so when the opportunity arose sort of last minute, it was an easy decision to make. Though after some discussion prior with Cryptonite’s other AOQs it was decided we’d stretch it out a little further …
Cryptonite Sprints the Campus, Among Other Stuff
Every region of F3 should have at least one AO that is devoted to pushing the standards of work and fitness for the men in its area. That was the thinking behind the creation of Battle in Columbia, which we had taken from the Young Guns workout in Charlotte. Cryptonite strives to be the most …
Shawshank Takeover of Cryptonite
YHC was joined by Coon Dog, Notebook, and Knowzit to do our best rendition of a Beatdown at Cryptonite. It’s safe to say that the Beatdown was more on our end than the regular PAX that showed up for our experiment. It was a great experience and we are grateful for the opportunity. Prayer Disclaimer …
Ambush visits Cryptonite
The Nantan sent a challenge to the AO’s of Lexington to come lead Cryptonite. YHC accepted and the pax of Ambush jumped in. Paper Jam helped deliver the beatdown, that included many of Ambush favorites. Thanks for the invite. We’ll be back soon. Maybe the Cryptonite SF will be there next time. Anyway, 10 pax …
Merry New Years Eve Eve
Posting has been scarce at Cryptonite lately, largely in part because of Harbison 50K training. However, a call when out on the Twittersphere last night and it brought in some pax. Glad they all posted for some betterment. Weather: 30° The Thang: Loop around the parking lot to scoop up Red Eye and then COP …
Cold and Wet + Cryptonite = Really Bad Awfulness
Cold and wet conditions didn’t deter 14 of Lexington’s finest from posting at Cryptonite this AM. Things almost got out of hand as the burpees, tires flips, pull ups, and other awful things just kept coming. No one left disappointed. Shout out to the RESPECT crew this morning. Several 50+ers showed up and punched the …
The Co-AOQ has Returned to Cryptonite
First post at Cryptonite since the surgery. Numbers have been low due to many prepping for Harbison, come back soon y’all! Weather: 59° The Thang: Intro, disclaimer, prayer Mosey down to the bottom of tennis court hill for COP SSH x 10 IC TTT x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 10 IC Quad Stretch x …
Burpee Mile
YHC told the pax what was going down at Cryptonite yet 8 pax posted anyway. Time prevented us from completing the full mile but the pax responded well this challenge. It was horrible. Conditions: 35 degrees, clear The Thang: Disclaimer BOM Mosey to the track Burpee Mile = Broad jump then burpee; R&R around the …
#EMOM for Days
Cryptonite, it ain’t easy and the pax are always looking for ways to continue to push themselves here. That was done, even though this backblast is slightly late…okay really late. Weather: Mid 60’s, Moist ™ The Thang: Disclaimer, prayer Run down toward the tennis courts, up the hill and to the parking lot for COP …
Death by Burpees!!!
7 Pax posted to the gloom of Cryptonite to take on YHC’s death by burpee. Should have been 8 but a certain Pax dropped his 2.0 off for a cross country trip and then hightailed it out of there. I don’t want to call any names out but his initials are Thumbs Up. There’s not …
STS Preview Run, Cryptonite Style
Cryptonite was pleased to be one of the 2 options for pre-Stomp the Swamp convergence. YHC warned to post elsewhere if a STS PR was your goal this AM. 27 studs posted. Not that our other AOs aren’t intense but Cryptonite, by design, is a no-holds-barred bootcamp that allows QICs the freedom to lead at …
Impromptu Tire Flippin
Two weeks in a row now for a solid helping of No Help. Weather: Holy Humidity Batman The Thang: Loop around entire parking lot SSH x 10 IC TTT x 10 IC Imperial Walker x 10 IC Quad Stretch x 10 Sec/leg Calf Stretch x 10 Sec/leg Station 1 – Tire drag to pole and …
Cryptonite record to be set. We crossed 4+ miles earlier this year, time to crank it up to 5…right off the get go. Weather: Little bit humid The Thang No warmup, just an explanation of the Lovelace Hero WOD. No where else can you pull out this workout and expect the pax to do it. …
Tinkle’s Block Party at CRYPTONITE
YHC has been getting my butt kicked by the Q’s lately at Cryptonite and I thought it was my turn to try to bring the pain to the boys. I would encourage anyone wanting to turn it up a notch to come on out and test their hand at this high impact workout. 19 pax …