Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Python Round Robin
AO: python Q: Ebert PAX: Phillip Corley, Katniss, BunkBed, Carolina Squat, Little Debbie FNGs: None COUNT: 6 CONDITIONS: It’s a wee bit chilly DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Various warmup exercises THE THANG: Round Robin of torture ANNOUNCEMENTS: graveyard convergence on Thursday morning COT: Prayers for Gi and the grandmother of Katniss’s brother’s baby
Biggie visits Stumble to confess…
AO: Stumble Q: TapeWorm PAX: Biggie Smalls, Ash, TapeWorm, LA Gear, Python FNGs: None COUNT: 5 THE THANG: Some pax modified with Ash (& Hudson) running the assigned route this morning. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Biggie took time to visit and confess he was the original thief of the Stumble flag. However, he claims it was stolen …
Happy Halloween!
AO: Stumble Q: Silver Bullet PAX: BabyRuth, Silver Bullet, Ash, Python FNGs: None COUNT: 4 THE THANG: 4 pax, 3 different routes. All came together for COT. Bullet took Jasmine on a walking route. Python did his thing. Baby Ruth and Ash ran the assignment. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nov 12 convergence! COT:
PREBLAST: 2021 New Years Day Convergence
(Please check back regularly for updates this week) Who: To all Lexington Pax, Past – Doesn’t matter how long it has been since your last post. The next one is the most important. We miss you and look forward to seeing you return to the gloom Present – We need to you to engage that …
Campaign Q #15: Python
Checked Python off the very short list of F3LexSC AO’s YHC has not made it to. Good swinging some bells with these men. This was #CampaignQ #15 of 29 in 48 days. This AM was 7 days in a row. Getting tired. Below is your recap: Conditions: 70 degrees, misty, humid The Thang: Disclaimer BOM …
Kettlebell Progression
Conditions: Warm enough for shorts! BOM Disclaimer Will never be a professional COP SSH X 20 IC TTT X 20 IC (Tinkle style) Michael Phelps X 20 IC Windmill X 20 IC LBAC X 10 IC F/R OHC X 15 IC Toy Soliders X 15 IC Comments were made about how long the warm up was …
Go With The Flow
CONDITIONS: 55 and breezy DISCLAIMER & OPENING PRAYER When YHC’s was asked to Q for the Python he called up his ol buddy Greg and he recommended a Flow Circuit. All the men love a Greg workout and it went something like this: All exercises will be one handed. 30 seconds each hand then switch …
Sometimes 1 minute feels like forever!
Conditions: BEAUTIFUL!! Fall has finally arrived!!! BOM Disclaimer It has been a few week since YHC has been able to post at Python due to knee and shoulder surgery. With things starting to gradually feel better YHC decided to lead this morning and push himself. YHC was surprised that many of the exercises hurt more …
90s tunes with a trash can speaker
Three PAX show up on this beautiful Mother’s Day morning with the hopes of getting better. YHC arrived to find a basically empty parking lot as no one showed for SL. Although, Ebert was putting in some early work by doing some farmers carries with bells around the parking lot. YHC should have joined since …
Python 1 Year Anniversary
Python Anniversary YHC was was looking forward to starting a new year with a amazingly simple workout to help destroy his fellow PAX. Weather 16 Degrees, real feel with wind chill was 8 BOM: Disclaimer/Prayer Warmup: None of that! The Thang: 371 swings, 371 days since the Python was created as an official AO. Count/Name …
Let me guess, merkins?
Conditions: HUMID BOM Disclaimer YHC has signed up for a merkin charity challenge and Ebert has signed up for a squat charity challenge. The PAX knew YHC would be making them do merkins. How many??? Not near as many as one would think as YHC’s arms are shot!! COP Merkins X 10 OYO TTT X …
Make sure to loosen up your hamstrings!
Conditions: 40 degrees and a great morning to put in some work BOM Disclaimer COP TTT x 20 IC LBAC x 10 IC (F&B) IW x 10 IC Michael Phelps x 10 IC Toy Soliders x 10 IC The Thang Swings x 20 Windmills x 10 each leg Push Press x 10 each arm …
Kettlebell Ladder Challenge Q: Brainiac Conditions: 40 Disclaimer: Brainiac BOM:Brainiac With many PAX recovering from the Cheech 10 K and Lexington 1/2 Ebert mentioned that he was going to close The Python. Hoboken had already mentioned to YHC that he was coming. So, YHC received Ebert’s blessing and the 2 of us got to work. …
Complex Bell Workout
Conditions: 72 and muggy Disclaimer and opening prayer The warm up: TTT x 10 IC IW x 10 IC LBAC x 10 fwd & rev IC Michael Phelps x 10 IC Toy Solders x 10 IC Around the world 10 each direction Halo’s 10 each direction The Thang: Clean, squat, press, & reverse lunge x 15 each hand …
Brainiac’s 2nd KB Q
When: 10/1/17 QIC: Brainiac The PAX: Ebert, Honey Bun (R), Brainiac Conditions: BEAUTIFUL! Cool and windy. BOM Disclaimer Been a few weeks since YHC made it out to kettlebells. What better way to beat the fartsack than to Q! YHC was pretty excited this morning since the back was feeling …
The Flow
Conditions: Just right Disclaimer & Opening prayer The warm up: TTT x10 IC IW x10 IC LBAC x 10 fwd, 10 rev IC Michael Phelps x 10 IC Toy Solders x10 IC Around the world 10 each direction Halo’s 10 each direction THE THANG: One handed swings 15 reps High pulls 15 reps Snatch 15 …
Kettlebell One Minute Rounds
***posted for Brainiac*** When: 9/3/17 QIC: Brainiac The PAX: Ebert, Honey Bun, Emmy, Brainiac Conditions: 58 degrees, 94% humidity. Beautiful!!! “Disclaimer” BOM YHC has been to Python several times now and decided it was his time to Q one of these workouts. Staying up late watching football was probably not the best idea. Getting …
Bells and Body Ladder
CONDITIONS: warm and muggy OPENING PRAYER DISCLAIMER Initially this looked like an easy workout, 30 seconds of an exercise can’t be too hard can it? As we climbed the ladder it became apparent YHC had miss judged the difficulty of this workout. All Pax put out great effort and we managed to get through it …