Lexington – Rooster

3 Runners and no walkers

AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:

3 Runners and no walkers

AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:

3 Runners and no walkers

AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:

3 Runners and no walkers

AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:

3 Runners and no walkers

AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:

Old school-ish route

YHC had a quick discussion with the AOQ of the Rooster about returning to running on Wednesday and he noted that there was an open spot on the Q sheet for Wednesday. YHC took that spot with an eye on pushing for 4 miles. It was a perfect rooster morning, hot and steamy. 3 Pax gathered, 2 runners …

Old school-ish routeRead More »

New AOQ for Rooster

There was a spot open on the Q sheet for a few weeks after the Doctor had officially cleard YHC to run again. So naturally YHC took that spot, looking to make a triumphant return to running at the rooster. While the Dr. cleared me to return to full body weight running, the physical therapists …

New AOQ for RoosterRead More »

Who needs a Q?

YHC has been dealing with a frustrating foot issue and hasn’t been able to run for well over a week…it’s driving me crazy!  So, what did I do?  I bought one of those ruck things that I said I’d never use.  It was surprisingly a good workout.  I hit a brick wall this afternoon and …

Who needs a Q?Read More »

Rooster Ruck Workout

YHC and the other AOQ in the town of Batesburg-Leesville went back and forth last night about who would be the man to lead the men posting at Rooster in the gloom. YHC had not taken a Q since going out on injured reserve. After securing a few HCs from Pax to bring their rucks, …

Rooster Ruck WorkoutRead More »

Run to warm up

YHC used a little reverse psychology last night by mentioning on twitter that if nobody showed up this morning I could just go home and get back in bed.  I knew that would get a few guys to show up…just so they thought they were making me uncomfortable.  Good work guys!  Way to not let …

Run to warm upRead More »

4 lengths of hills on the road, 4 lengths of hills, run one down, go back around, 3 lengths of hills on the road….

The hands of time are quickening their pace towards this BRR thing everyone is talking about (at least the guys running it won’t shut up about it…stupid Happy Trees). The team that carries Rooster/Smokehouse PAX lost a strong runner, that will be sorely missed,  but gained a road smoking teammate from the midst of their …

4 lengths of hills on the road, 4 lengths of hills, run one down, go back around, 3 lengths of hills on the road….Read More »

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