3 Runners and no walkers
AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:
3 Runners and no walkers
AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:
3 Runners and no walkers
AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:
3 Runners and no walkers
AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:
3 Runners and no walkers
AO: rooster Q: Urkel PAX: Wilson, Tongue and Groove FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: Muggy DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: THE THANG: 3-4 miles for the three of us. Good work men ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: DEVO:
PREBLAST: 2021 New Years Day Convergence
(Please check back regularly for updates this week) Who: To all Lexington Pax, Past – Doesn’t matter how long it has been since your last post. The next one is the most important. We miss you and look forward to seeing you return to the gloom Present – We need to you to engage that …
BRR Training Route at the Rooster
As YHC was arriving at Rooster, Mermaid was pulling into the parking lot on his bike. T-claps to him for riding from Ridge Springs which is about 12 miles away. YHC also noticed Khakis’ jeep (I know its his because he as his smiling face on the side of it) and Happy Trees car were already there. …
Old school-ish route
YHC had a quick discussion with the AOQ of the Rooster about returning to running on Wednesday and he noted that there was an open spot on the Q sheet for Wednesday. YHC took that spot with an eye on pushing for 4 miles. It was a perfect rooster morning, hot and steamy. 3 Pax gathered, 2 runners …
New AOQ for Rooster
There was a spot open on the Q sheet for a few weeks after the Doctor had officially cleard YHC to run again. So naturally YHC took that spot, looking to make a triumphant return to running at the rooster. While the Dr. cleared me to return to full body weight running, the physical therapists …
Who needs a Q?
YHC has been dealing with a frustrating foot issue and hasn’t been able to run for well over a week…it’s driving me crazy! So, what did I do? I bought one of those ruck things that I said I’d never use. It was surprisingly a good workout. I hit a brick wall this afternoon and …
Rooster Ruck Workout
YHC and the other AOQ in the town of Batesburg-Leesville went back and forth last night about who would be the man to lead the men posting at Rooster in the gloom. YHC had not taken a Q since going out on injured reserve. After securing a few HCs from Pax to bring their rucks, …
The Return Of Fartlek Friday
YHC put the word out on the Rooster message board that Fartlek Friday would be returning to Rooster this unusually warm January morning, and some PAX jokingly referred to it as “Fartsack Friday”, causing YHC to wonder – would YHC be fartleking alone? Fartleks are no fun without friends and fellowship, but if forced to …
Run to warm up
YHC used a little reverse psychology last night by mentioning on twitter that if nobody showed up this morning I could just go home and get back in bed. I knew that would get a few guys to show up…just so they thought they were making me uncomfortable. Good work guys! Way to not let …
Rooster Speedruck And Return of Puck
The Rooster PAX were happy to welcome Terminex for his first Rooster post, and to give big time #kotters to Puck for his first post since his hip surgery back in October. YHC had a speedruck in the agenda and Happy Trees came prepared to join him. Terminex made a last minute decision to borrow …
Rooster Speedruck (Or Running With Mermaids)
Disclaimer BOM YHC has been eager to try a speedruck for a while now and decided to pull the trigger this am at Rooster. 9 PAX swallowed the DRP and posted for some good ol’ get-betterment. 6 (including an FNG) put in about 4 miles running and YHC took HT and Nub on a speedrucking …
Quick Pantry Politics and Missing Wilson
YHC has been missing the run time with the Rooster calendar boys. Glad to finally get back with the studs. Minus our imaginary friend Wilson. Conditions: Chilly…perfect Rooster weather DISCLAIMER PRAYER 1 Walker heads of to a new AO…F2 Quick Pantry 7 PAX do a Crosson Loop: Bernard to 23, Left Left …
Rooster conspiracy theories
The men of Batesburg-Leesville have been a true inspiration and have also been a huge help and encouragement over the last year. The last 9 months or so, have been hard. YHC went from running in 30Ks to crutches, no meds to a self full, posting 5 days a week to barely posting at all. The …
Let’s see if we can find those early out of the roost Pax
YHC arrived to see more cars than Pax as 2 had set off early to get in some bonus miles. Way to push Wilson and Urkle. The Rooster was alive with 13 total Pax including 2 FNGs (Welcome Steven- Happy Meal and Cody-Sparky) for the mornings’ run/ruck. The ruckers headed out in search of possums …
Let’s see if we can find those early out of the roost PaxRead More »
The Rooster Takes A Dark Road
Three PAX gathered in the Rooster gloom with headlamps ready to tackle what may be the darkest road in Leesville, Frances Street. This spooky dirt road is surrounded by swampy woods and infested by various creatures of the night. It’s a miracle we survived. Disclaimer BOM 2 runners take left on College, right on Bernard, …
Danger Mouse Brings His Assistant
YHC grabbed Q late after learning Happy Trees would have start and leave early. Early indeed as he was finishing his run at Rooster as we were arriving. Danger Mouse brought a FNG (his dad to later be named Penfold). In all we had 2 ruckers who looked to set a fast pace and 6 …
Ruck the Lick Creek Climb
Conditions : Approximately 59 degrees It was a perfect morning for an XL ruck. Cinco De Mayo, EH’d the men on the Rooster DM board for a few extra miles. This lead to some ridicule from some fartsackers. YHC on the other had was happy to join his bother for a little extra work. The …
Encouragement Hollywood… From His Yard
6 Pax arrived at the Tooster ready to get better and that’s what we all did. After some chatter about Apple and Amazon we were ready to hit the streets. Parks and Rec was less than enthusiastic about running but run he did. Tclaps! It was nice to hear whispers of encouragement from Hollywood’s estate …
4 lengths of hills on the road, 4 lengths of hills, run one down, go back around, 3 lengths of hills on the road….
The hands of time are quickening their pace towards this BRR thing everyone is talking about (at least the guys running it won’t shut up about it…stupid Happy Trees). The team that carries Rooster/Smokehouse PAX lost a strong runner, that will be sorely missed, but gained a road smoking teammate from the midst of their …
Here Come the Fartlekers
Bernard street was not ready this AM for the Fartleking, Indian running bad boys of Rooster. We had the guest PAX Peg from F3 Summerville for two days now. YHC, and everyone else has enjoyed getting better with a bro from anotha’ AO. Here is what we did. As usual we all got better in …