Sled’s Toe!
AO: score Q: Spool PAX: Nails, Aaron Horwood, Crawlspace, Sled, OBC, Lumen FNGs: None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: The usual with a little extra stretching to recover from Sled Monday morning beat down! THE THANG: After some initial stretching and BigBoys right out of the blocks the Q took us off campus for a short …
Crushed by Sled
AO: score Q: Sled PAX: OBC, Spool, Lumen, RayCharles, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 6 DISCLAIMER WARMUP:Windmills and such. No SSH for Sled! Scorpions, Planking, Little Baby Prenups and Added a Prenup to an overhead clap! Other stuff too! THE THANG:I must apologize to the Pax leading them to believe Sled was injured and this would …
32 Years Strong
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: Nails, Sled, Lumen FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP:32 single count SSH to celebrate my 32 Anniversary! Otherwise, normal warmup. THE THANG:Stayed on campus and did some heavy block work and other stuff over by the Brickpile stash, then to the vestibule for some iron cross and Bollard Squats, around …
Stay out of the road Lumen!
AO: score Q: OBC PAX: Sled, Lumen, Nails, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: A few surprises, hand release merkins and some Superman Aquaman, otherwise normal. THE THANG: Went left out of the parking lot towards Betty to check on Pink Eye and his return from injury. Stops for wall sitting, pole squats, 4 …
Pele BS
AO: score Q: Charley (f3Pele) PAX: Running Rebel, Spool, Lumen, OBC FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Usual with stretches and 10 merkins thrown in. THE THANG:Curls, Tris, In out flutters , Run around the barrels, Chest press (elbows out and in), Pele’ BS, Jane fonda, 10 merkins, Run around the barrels, Big boys, Ray …
Who invited Woody?
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: OBC, Woody, Windmill, Stent, Nails, Ball Boy, Crawlspace, Greasetrap FNGs: None COUNT: 8 DISCLAIMER Did that… WARMUP: Crawlspace warmed us up! THE THANG: Everyone got a turn except Greasetrap. Woody killed us with his AB set. Lots of chatter. We were also glad when Nails was done! Ballboy added …
Nails made us Run!
AO: score Q: Nails PAX: OBC, Sled, Charley (f3Pele), Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP:Standard fare. Nails even did SSH at the normal pace. THE THANG: Under roof because of rain, Nails took us through the paces with brick work, ab work, LBC’s, Six Inches, The Sisters and so on. The three Island Tours …
Yoga with the Beard
AO: score Q: Ball Boy PAX: OBC, Nails, Sled, Lumen, Crawlspace, Charley (f3Pele) FNGs: None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: A little crazy with the SSH to keep his reputation in tact, otherwise normal. THE THANG: After three rounds of flutters, LBC’s and Slow Squats x20 each, Ballboy had us doing a lot of Yoga and …
Ginsu takes the Lead
AO: score Q: Ginsu PAX: Crawlspace, Nails, OBC, Lumen FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Pretty Standard. THE THANG:After warmup, headed over to Club Carlyle with stops at Animal Hospital, Burpees at the Speed Bump, and some wall sitting. Then went all the way back to the toy pile for some brick work. Finished off …
Light run Thursday
AO: score Q: Prenup PAX: Ball Boy, Lumen, OBC, Nails, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 6 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Windmills and yoga THE THANG: Brick work and some running to gate and from touchdown line. OHP with bricks and merkin ladder was not a crowd pleaser even though we were in the grass. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : …
Ripcord Returns
AO: score Q: Ripcord PAX: Charley (f3Pele), Dry Heave, Lumen, Nails, Prenup, Ripcord, OBC, Sled FNGs: None COUNT: 8 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: traditional score THE THANG: skip, run and bus loops with some coupons in between. Work was done :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : COT: prayer for kids, teachers & leaders
Dreher Slowzy
AO: score Q: Lumen PAX: Sled, Ginsu, Nails FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Assorted stretches and SSHs and Imperials THE THANG: Stayed on campus and used brick pathway and courtyard for all kinds of favorite exercises including some Rocky Balboas. Finished at bricks with arm exercises. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : none COT: Lumen closed …
No Love from the Bug
AO: score Q: Love Bug PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Spool, Nails FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Soft pavement with situational awareness on this very wet morning. Stayed off the ground! THE THANG: Maybe it was just me, but Love Bug crushed us this AM. Grabbed bricks and went over to the circle for some half …
AO: score Q: Dry Heave PAX: Charley (f3Pele), Crawlspace, Nails, Dry Heave, @spool, @grandcanyon, @lovebug, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER: WARMUP: No SSH! THE THANG: Warmup, Brickwork, head over to courtyard for bench work, over to field, wall sits/planks/flutters/freedom twists, back to courtyard to honor the #Skanks, Supermans, more brickwork, end with Dealer’s …
Spool Returns!
AO: score Q: Spool PAX: OBC, Nails, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP:It has been a while for Spool so we did some extra stretching in addition to normal stuff. THE THANG:Spool, inspired by Pele, added a bunch of BS to the workout, which included a visit to the toy pile and several trips …
Happy Reunion
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Stent, Prenup, OBC FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: OBC warmed us up and took the first 15 minutes! THE THANG: Dealers Choice on a hot muggy morning! Each Pax took a turn with a mixture of bricks, blocks, running, AB work and leg work. Great way to …
Escargot and More
AO: score Q: Eric Gluse PAX: Crawlspace, Sled, Nails, Ginsu, Charley (f3Pele), Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Rivet remembered all the usual warm ups with a few twists of his own! THE THANG: Ran left out of the parking lot with stops at Hollywood Square, Betty, Top of the Hill, Sandbox, the …
Now for Something Completly Different
AO: score Q: Sled PAX: Dry Heave, Ball Boy, Nails, Crawlspace, Ginsu, Ripcord, Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Sled approved warm up in a new location. THE THANG: Sled taught us a bunch of new exercises in a well planned fast paced workout that was refreshingly different. Things like Crunchy Frog, Scorpion Dry …
Two is better than One
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: Sled FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: No warm up needed! Ready to go! THE THANG:With just the two of us, Sled and I walked a Lumen Loop and then straight to coffee! :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : None COT: Hope all those on the road are having a great time! Let’s …
Now that was some BS
AO: score Q: Charley (f3Pele) PAX: OBC, Nails, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Pele filled in for Love Bug who had a last minute conflict. Standard warmup THE THANG:Grabbed toys and journeyed to the courtyard and to the Covid laced athletic field for some good work! Hopefully OBC doesn’t catch anything before he hops …
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: OBC, Sled, Nails, Ginsu, Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Since OBC was a little tardy, we went with a Sled friendly warmup, no SSH! THE THANG:Pele reached out and had to bail (hope all is well Pele), so Crawlspace took over for a NO BS workout. Did a …
4 Corners and More!
AO: score Q: OBC PAX: Crawlspace, Nails, Lumen, Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Found a nice dry spot while the Pax wandered in! THE THANG: OBC had us start with the 4 corners of the football layout on the parking lot and then searched for other corners where we did simple things. The …
Three for Scorepile
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Nails, Stent FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Nails warmed us up! THE THANG: Grabbed some toys and rotated calling exercises! All muscle groups considered! :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : COT: Continued to pray for Teddy! Also lifted up those on the road or those about to get on the …
Four for the Fourth
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Ball Boy, Woody, OBC FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Crawlspace warmed us up in typical fashion. THE THANG:After Crawlspace warmup, we slowly made our way to the toy pile while doing side lunges, Lt Dan’s and Al Gore, culminating at the trailer for some 25/25/25. Then Crawlspace had …
Ginsu’s First Q
AO: score Q: Ginsu PAX: Nails, Ball Boy, Crawlspace, Lumen, Love Bug, OBC, One more the Q is forgetting FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: The usual hops & walkers plus some bonus cadence merkins THE THANG: Moseyed to a Covid-free parking lot for Q’s favorite flutter kicks & friends, then Lt. Dan’d over to the …
Put A Straightening On Piles
Kinder Gentler Ray
AO: score Q: RayCharles PAX: Crawlspace, Ginsu, Lumen, Nails, Sled, OBC, Ripcord FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Situational awareness achieved, less than 25 SSH’s! Ray always does a great stretch routine. THE THANG:Thank you to Ballboy for making Ray Charles sore enough to be kinder and gentler this morning! Grabbed some bricks and heavy blocks …
Field Day
AO: score Q: Prenup PAX: Ginsu, OBC, Nails, Ball Boy, Dry Heave, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Second Day in a row we exceeded 25 SSH’s, otherwise a typical warmup. THE THANG: Attempted to work our way around the school, but the gate was locked over by the tennis courts and so we spent …
Ballboy Cross ____Circuit
AO: score Q: Ball Boy PAX: Lumen, OBC, Ginsu, Spool, Crawlspace, RayCharles, Prenup, Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: What can we say, Ballboy is just a popular guy. It’s the wisdom that comes with the beard! Even brought out a new guy to Score, Grand Canyon! Welcome! Typical warmup other than the 40 …
What Would Rivet Do?
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Charley (f3Pele), Prenup, Ripcord, Lumen, Spool FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Rivet woke up with a bad headache and so the Pax filled the gap! Feel better Rivet! Crawlspace warmed us up in typical fashion. THE THANG: Dealers Choice and everyone got a turn! Grabbed bricks and visited …
And then there were Three
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: OBC, Charley (f3Pele) FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Brickpile invaded our space and we were outnumbered so we headed over to the shaded hard pavement. Standard Crawlspace warmup but situational awareness caused us to nix cat cows (hard pavement rough on knees) THE THANG: Low running but kept the exercises …
Monday Fun
AO: score Q: Lumen PAX: Ginsu, OBC, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Assorted stretches and some SSHS and Imperials and Happy Hillbillies. Cherry pickers thrown in to complete THE THANG: Mosey for a near complete Lumen Loop with assorted stops for various calisthenics :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : – COT: Lumen closed out w/prayer. 100% …
You can Modify a Stargazer
AO: score Q: OBC PAX: Crawlspace, Nails, Ginsu, Prenup, Dry Heave, Lumen FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Again with the Shaded Hard Pavement. OBC likes variety! THE THANG:Off campus journey to Zoller Hill and back. There are now 7 people who can attest to the fact that a Star Gazer can be modified! :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS …
Dr Tabata SCORES
AO: score Q: Nails PAX: Ball Boy, OBC, Sled, Nails, Dr Tabata FNGs: None COUNT: 4+1 Dr Tabata led the 4 SCORE in a non running full body workout. Everyone got better on a cool June morning.
Shelter with Sled
AO: score Q: Sled PAX: Crawlspace, Ginsu, OBC, Nails FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP:Very Non-Traditional. Sled called Through the Tunnel. OBC was not amused. THE THANG: Sled kept us in motion with plenty of pain stations, a ladder, and what seemed like 30 minutes of AMRAP (Crowdpleaser)…Windmill even doubled down a bit with us after …
Betty Loop
AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Stent, OBC, Nails, Prenup, Windmill, Greastrap FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Conducted on shaded hard pavement as the Pax rolled in! Stent already ran a mile by that point! THE THANG: Lumen loop heading towards Betty and around. Lots of pain stations at the usual stops. All …
Score – Logo Loop
AO: score Q: Ripcord PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, OBC, Nails, Prenup FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: trad Score warm up THE THANG: loop around Dreher w exercise stations. 1.14 m :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : na COT: Pray for Pool family. Pray for those serving and those that came before and gave it all to give us …
Keeping it Simple
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: Sled, OBC, Nails, Dry Heave, Prenup, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: The Pax kind of wandered in late today, but typical warmup was achieved. THE THANG: Kept things simple and stayed on campus. Tried to hit all muscle groups and did a little bit of running. Howling Monkey was …
AO: score Q: Spool PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Sled, Nails, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP:Spool almost overslept, but managed to arrive and stretch us out pretty well! Beautiful weather this AM! THE THANG: Grabbed bricks and hung out on the parking lot/football field and performed a healthy stream of exercises with some running between light …
May 28th Fun
AO: score Q: Lumen PAX: Ripcord, Dry Heave, Nails FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: 20 SSH, 20 IW, 20 TTT, 20 Lil Babies, Bend over and touch toes, Seated toe touch, Butterfly stretch, Knee to Chest THE THANG: 15 dips OYO, 15 Merkins OYO, 20 squats OYO, 30 LBCs OYO, 20 DryDocks OYO, 20x20x20 calf …
Memorial Scorepile
AO: score Q: Ripcord PAX: OBC, Lumen, Prenup, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: traditional score Warm up THE THANG: dealers choice w some moseys down the football field. Brick work :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : na COT: Prayers for who gave the ultimate Sacrifice for the Freedoms we have today and to be w those …
Kentucky Derby
AO: score Q: Eric Gluse PAX: Charley (f3Pele), Lumen, Ball Boy, Spool, Nails, Ripcord, Crawlspace, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP:Standard THE THANG:Neighborhood tour, went left to Hollywood Squares, then Betty, but then Rivet took us across Devine to Earthfare and on down the line. Sort of a backwards OBC journey to Zoller Hill. Pain …
That Sucked, but in a Good Way!
AO: score Q: RayCharles PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Nails, Sled, Spool, Love Bug, Ball Boy, Charley (f3Pele), Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: Ray Charles always stretches us out well! In honor of Sled, we did SSH twice. He declined both times! THE THANG:Ray Charles dreamed up a doozy. Five rounds of running the full length …
Just the Thingy
AO: score Q: Prenup PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, RayCharles, OBC, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Exchanged Windmills for Imperial Walkers, otherwise lots of stretching. Crowd pleaser was Merkins without having warmed up the shoulders. THE THANG: Grabbed toys and did cycles of brick, abdominal and leg exercises with a run to the gate in between. …
Beast mode with Ballboy
AO: score Q: Ball Boy PAX: Prenup, Crawlspace, Greasetrap and Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Went to Covid Free Club Carlisle THE THANG: Ballboy called 5 rotations, ten reps each of big boys, LBC’s, Jane’s, Rosy, Hello Dolly, Freddie’s and Iron Cross. Also did a bunch of squats (100+) Al Gore’s, Lunges and then …
Burpee, Rinse and Repeat
AO: score Q: Love Bug PAX: Ball Boy, OBC, Nails, Spool, Prenup, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Typical with the addition of Happy Hillbillies. Lumen missed it! THE THANG:Grabbed bricks and headed over to the big island for multiple half laps and a handful of exercises at each half including Burpees, Curls, OHP, In …
Situational Awareness
AO: score Q: OBC PAX: Sled, Ball Boy, Lumen, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Situationally Aware Location in the Vestibule to stay dry! Typical warm-up! THE THANG: Situationally aware campus tour with bricks. Plenty of pain stations, wall sitting, big island runs and such. Ginsu had his first fart sack….boo! :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : …
Half a Lumen Loop
AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: Lumen, Sled, OBC, Spool, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Crowd pleasing warmup on Hard Pavement. Apparent situational awareness fail on calling Ray Charles on Hard Pavement. THE THANG: Half a Lumen Loop with stops at Animal Hospital, Wall, Sandbox and back. Plenty of wall merkins, squats, big boys, dips, …
Score Thunderous workout
AO: score Q: Ripcord PAX: Ball Boy, Crawlspace, Lumen, Nails, Prenup, Ripcord, Spool, Sled, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: score THE THANG: CrossFit style under cover w bricks and blocks. Full body coverage. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : None COT: Spool son made to Charlotte and Prayers for Spool friend getting through GB surgery.
Lightning Strikes!
AO: score Q: Spool PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Nails, OBC, Ball Boy, Ginsu FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Non-traditional focused on stretching. No rain, but a lightning flash sent us under the front porch. THE THANG: Brick work, a few laps and some quality time at Hollywood squares pumping gas and incline merkin and dip sets. …