Columbia – Bladerunner

Run & Push!

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Gepetto, Lemmy, Bush, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Not really THE THANG: 3 Pax ran many miles/1 Pax did Anytime Fitness workout and 330 Merkins at the AO :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Guardians of the Night 5K – 20July COT: Prayed for Rudder and his …

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To Each His Own

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto , Full Metal Jacket PAX: Gepetto, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: of course! THE THANG: FMJ held down the fort at the AO while Gepetto ran solo at the track. :alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : none COT: Thank you Lord for the ability to do the things we do!!!

Another Wet Track

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Valdez, Full Metal Jacket, The Beast, Lemmy, Bush FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: warm up before heading to the tack THE THANG: Track work for most, merkins for FMJ :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Crazy Train continues! If anyone has a connect with BHS maintenance staff we need to get these …

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Wednesday Run

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Gepetto, Lemmy, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 THE THANG: Rudder and Snowden did 4 miles. Gepetto did more. Lemmy was at the track! COT: Prayers for job stuff and for the family of my friend David who passed recently and suddenly

Wednesday Run

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Gepetto, Lemmy, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 4 THE THANG: Rudder and Snowden did 4 miles. Gepetto did more. Lemmy was at the track! COT: Prayers for job stuff and for the family of my friend David who passed recently and suddenly

Runnin’n Pushin’!

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: The Beast, Gepetto, Mimi, Full Metal Jacket, Ewok FNGs: 1 Ewok COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Absolutely not! THE THANG: 4 ran miles and 1 did 500 Merkins :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : No COT: Prayed for The Beast and forthcoming job opportunities and Mimi’s mother-in-law, Yvonne, for good health reports …

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Earning It

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Bush, Lemmy, Valdez FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Parking lot warm up! THE THANG: Track day for most. Work was done by all. :alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : Guardians of the Night 5k 8 weeks out. COT: yes

Lone Man Workout

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 1 WARMUP: Not really THE THANG: 2.5 mile run/100 Merkins :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Nope COT: Galatians 2:20

Birthday run!

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Bush, Gepetto, Full Metal Jacket, Valdez FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: not so much! Gepetto maybe did some resistance band dancing. THE THANG: lots of different distances. And I can only assume many Americans. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : happy birthday to Bush! It’s a pity he didn’t know to …

Birthday run!Read More »

Miles n’Merkins

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Lemmy, Full Metal Jacket, The Beast, Gepetto, Bush, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Rudder (WeaselShaker), Betty Crocker FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Purdy sure that is a big fat NO! THE THANG: All pax ran various distances on road and HS track/1 Pax also did Merkins :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : …

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Bladerunner 4/17

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: The Beast, Valdez, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 6 THE THANG: Everyone Ran ANNOUNCEMENTS: See announcements channel. COT: Prayers for Valdez wife Julie getting a procedure. Prayers for Gepetto’s hip.

6 space parking job

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Betty Crocker, Full Metal Jacket, Valdez, Goodspeed, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: I stretched at home. No one else did. I should know. It’s my home. THE THANG: 4 ran at normal paces. 1 did speed work. Who you ask? His name rhymes with Baldez. ANNOUNCEMENTS: …

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Miles n’ Merkins

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Bush, Betty Crocker, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Nope! THE THANG: 2 Pax ran several miles in HEAVY rain! 1 Pax did 575 Merkins under MUCH cover! :sunglasses: :ok_hand: ANNOUNCEMENTS: HDHH tonight at 1800 San Jose’s COT: prayed for Bush’s neighbor whose house burned down …

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Get work done

AO: bladerunner Q: Valdez PAX: Cottontail, Lemmy, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Needed. The wind was chill THE THANG: Run/Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rudder was overhead paged but he didn’t show despite slacking about it yesterday and even mentioning God in his designated start time :man-facepalming: COT:

Miles n’ Merkins

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: The Beast, Lemmy, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Nope THE THANG: 2 Pax ran miles & 1 Pax did 415 Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nope COT: Prayed for Pax Families and Friends

Lone Man Workout

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 1 WARMUP: literally stretches THE THANG: (tel:0442-0535 hrs) 400 Merkins done. (tel:5-10-20-30-20-10-5 x 4) ANNOUNCEMENTS: God is still on the throne! COT: Psalm 121: 1-2

And when there was no crawdad to be found…

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Valdez, The Beast FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Run to track, run somewhere else. Prepare for merkins. THE THANG: Run on the track, run on the road. Do Merkins. ANNOUNCEMENTS: See announcements channel. COT: Prayers for FMJ’s friend Charlie …

And when there was no crawdad to be found…Read More »

bladerunner slackblast

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: The Beast, Lemmy, Valdez, Full Metal Jacket, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Run slow THE THANG: Run Fast ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:Prayers for Charlie, FMJ’s friend’s 18 year old son fighting cancer.

Lone Man Workout (Maybe!)

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 1 WARMUP: stretches THE THANG: 500 Merkins (5-10-20-30-20-10-5 x 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS: FMJ was there very early due to early airline flight; other PAX may have posted at regular time; if so, please revise post accordingly! COT: James 1:12

House Fart

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Cheesesteak, Lemmy, Valdez, The Beast FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: That’s what the first mile is for. Besides, Gepetto wasn’t there. THE THANG: Everyone ran different routes and different distances. HOWEVER!!!! At one moment in time, everyone was on the track at B’wood High. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nope COT: gratitude for …

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Pea Soup Run

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Gepetto, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Full Metal Jacket, Goodspeed, Lemmy, The Beast FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Gepetto did some band stuff. Does that count? THE THANG: Various miles. Various routes. FMJ did Merkins (possibly other stuff?). ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Prayers for Bob (Flappers Dad). Wisdom for the doctors to come …

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Tag along!

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Lemmy, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Valdez, Gepetto, Cheesesteak, Betty Crocker, Shuttlecock, Full Metal Jacket, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Arise! THE THANG: Run, or do Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: FMJ merkins for cause. Do-nate! COT: from rudder. Here are my girl scout cookies before you. Take these in remembrance …

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AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), The Beast, Lemmy, Valdez, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: in da car THE THANG: Running in the 20’s ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots happening COT: yes

Miles & Merkins

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Rudder (WeaselShaker), Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, Valdez, Betty Crocker FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: probably not THE THANG: All ran miles / some merkins also done ANNOUNCEMENTS: TomTom Foolery looms COT:prayed for Lindsey, Bellatore, and Glenn Shelly for healing; also for Betty’s father-in-law. Thankful for …

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wednesday is for bladerunnering

AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), The Beast, Lemmy, Full Metal Jacket, Snowden (Weasel Supporter) FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Discussing running THE THANG: running ANNOUNCEMENTS: rotary run COT: planning your sermon using the RCL


AO: bladerunner Q: Lemmy PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Easy jogging or easy strides. THE THANG: Two ran a zone 2 – zone 3 – zone 4 progression run. The other ran and probably did some merkins. ANNOUNCEMENTS: I don’t remember any. COT: Triangle of trust.

Exploration Run

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Cheesesteak, Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Shuttlecock, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Waterboy FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: There’s no getting warm this morning. Just varying degrees of chilly-ness. THE THANG: various miles all ending together. Pax discovered/ran into new areas of Blythewood. Various rotations at cul-de-sacs. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tom Tomfoolery …

Exploration RunRead More »


AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Rudder (WeaselShaker), Valdez, Lemmy, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: No THE THANG: Run 4.5 down sandfield and back. you know the route. ANNOUNCEMENTS: thanks valdez and rudder and cheesesteak for your backpack ministry donations ♥️ COT: Done!

Run or Push!!

AO: bladerunner Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto, Lemmy, Shuttlecock, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Valdez FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Don’t think so! THE THANG: Many ran miles/1 Knocked out Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: Nope COT: We did it in spirit! James 1:12

OG Bladerunner

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Cottontail, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: None, per se. THE THANG: Original style Bladerunner: Mosey+ (eh Flapper?) for approximately 1/2 mile to end at AO. Do a couple shoulder exercises and a couple Ab exercises (dealers choice). Rinse & Repeat. Did it six times. Yes, it …

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AO: bladerunner Q: Snowden (Weasel Supporter) PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Valdez, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Lemmy, Gepetto FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP:. arrive! THE THANG: run to the track. (valdez, snowden, lemmy) run on the roads (gepetto, rudder). FMJ please let us know… ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Prayers for joints and for being decent people.

Grade 2 Bleed

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Valdez, Waterboy, Lemmy FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: some THE THANG: run various distances and try not to bleed out. Good thing I was running with a doctor today. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Run Hard Half this weekend! COT: thank you lord for the ability to run, and for stopping …

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Pushing The Rock

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Goodspeed, Waterboy, Full Metal Jacket, Shuttlecock, Cheesesteak FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: rubber band warm up THE THANG: run, some slow some fast some short distances and some long distances, something for everyone! ANNOUNCEMENTS: Halloween is over but the candy wrappers will remain for months. COT: prayers for a safe …

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Potassium Haircut

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Lemmy, Cheesesteak, Full Metal Jacket, Snowden (Weasel Supporter), Valdez FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Nope THE THANG: Lots of running 🏃🏼‍♀️ Everybody finished by EndEx. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Go Leo Run needs several pushers. Please help!! If you’re curious about lawn care, one word: Potassium COT:Thank you God for Beauty Shop …

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Lie Only When You Have Something to Gain

AO: bladerunner Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker) PAX: Gepetto, Valdez, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Snowden, Lemmy 52 1/2 FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: It was cold enough for one. Several did, ranging from simple quad stretching to resistance bands. THE THANG: various distances at an assortment of paces. ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Prayers that God continue to make us loving patient …

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Everyman For Himself

AO: bladerunner Q: Gepetto PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Valdez, The Beast FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: broke out the bands THE THANG: 4 PAX with 4 diffrent thanks going on, all got better for posting ANNOUNCEMENTS: dave the boobies half marathon this weekend, cold brew half ish coming up COT: prayers for those in Israel

Another Wed

AO: bladerunner Q: Valdez PAX: Cheesesteak, Full Metal Jacket, Goodspeed, Lemmy, The Beast FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: THE THANG: Run round Blythewood ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:

Light Up the Night

AO: bladerunner Q: Goodspeed PAX: Valdez, Snowden, Rudder, Betty Crocker, The Beast, Lemmy, Gepetto FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: Light Stretching by some THE THANG: Run hills, Run Flats, all miles ANNOUNCEMENTS: various mumblechatter COT:Prayers for the PAX

Special Guest

AO: bladerunner Q: Goodspeed PAX: Rudder, The Beast, Full Metal Jacket, BunkBed, Cheesesteak, Valdez, Gepetto, Snowden, Lemmy FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: Decide where to run THE THANG: Find your group and run ANNOUNCEMENTS: @bunkbed had them all COT: Prayers for PAX and health of 2.0s

Oakhurst Village People

AO: bladerunner Q: Lemmy PAX: Goodspeed, Rudder, Valdez, The Beast, Full Metal Jacket, Snowden, Cheesesteak, Gepetto FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Some running, some not. THE THANG: Up and down the streets of Oakhurst ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam sign-up COT:Gratitude from those in health; prayers for those in need.

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